Why Are My Toenails White?

Why Are My Toenails White

What does it mean when your toenails turn white?

White Toenail Fungus Officially called onychomycosis, nail fungus is a common cause of white spots on toenails.

What deficiency causes white toenails?

Mineral deficiency – You may notice white spots along your nails if you’re deficient in certain minerals or vitamins, The deficiencies most commonly linked to this issue include zinc deficiency and calcium deficiency, A doctor can determine if you’re at risk for any mineral deficiency.

Why is my toenail white and thick?

Overview Onychauxis is a nail disorder that causes fingernails or toenails to grow abnormally thick, Over time, the nails may become curled and turn white or yellow, This thickening of the nail may force the nail plate (the part you paint with nail polish) to separate from the nail bed.

Though toenail fungus can cause similar symptoms, onychauxis isn’t caused by a fungus. However, your risk for developing a fungal infection increases if you have this nail disorder. Onychauxis, which is sometimes called hypertrophy of the nail, is more common in older adults. The older you get, the more likely you are to experience this condition.

Symptoms of onychauxis include:

abnormal thickening of the nailseparation of the nail plate from the nail bedyellow or white appearancered or black coloring if left untreatedbrittle crumbling around the edges of the nailpain

Symptoms may become more severe if onychauxis is left untreated. The nails may begin to curl, and they may become so thick it’s impossible to trim or maintain them. That, in turn, can make treating the nail disorder more difficult. Onychauxis may be the result of several conditions or issues.

Hereditary causes. If one or both of your parents have this nail condition, you’re more likely to develop it. Acute trauma. Stubbing your toe or dropping a heavy object on it can cause trauma to your nail bed and nail plate. The trauma may cause nail thickening. In some cases, this may be temporary until the nail heals. Chronic trauma. Individuals who inflict a good deal of pressure on their feet for long periods of time, such as athletes, dancers, or runners, may be more likely to develop this nail disorder. The long-term stress on the nail beds and nail plates may trigger the unusual growth. Wearing shoes that are too tight or too small can also cause this condition. Acromegaly. This hormonal disorder is the result of too much growth hormone. Though rare, it can cause nails to growth denser. Psoriasis. This skin condition causes thick patches of scaly skin, and it can cause nails to grow thicker and more brittle. More than half of people with psoriasis will experience nail psoriasis, too. Reduced circulation. Without a proper supply of nutrients, your nails may be unable to grow properly. Diabetes. People with diabetes commonly develop thick nails. This may be a complication of the disease, or it may be the result of reduced circulation, which is also common with diabetes. Darier disease. A genetic skin disorder, Darier disease causes wart-like blemishes that may be yellow, emit a strong odor, and are hard to the touch. This condition can also cause nail abnormalities, including white and red stripes in the nail plate and unusual thickness. Infection. A yeast or fungal infection in the nail bed or around the nail plate can cause symptoms, including discoloration and thicker nails. Pityriasis rubra pilaris. This rare skin condition causes chronic inflammation and reddish-orange scales or blotches on the skin. It can also lead to nail thickening, discoloration, and shedding.

Onychauxis isn’t contagious, and it can’t be spread from person to person directly. It’s possible you could inherit the gene that increases your risk for this condition from a parent. However, touching the nails of a person with this disorder will not increase your risk for developing it.

  • That being said, people who have onychauxis may be more likely to develop a toenail fungus as a result of this condition.
  • Some types of toenail fungus can be spread through contact with another person.
  • Treatment for onychauxis falls into two main categories: medical treatments and home remedy options.

There isn’t standard treatment for this condition. Instead, your doctor will decide a course of action based on a suspected cause and your specific symptoms. It’s important to note that you don’t have to treat this condition unless it becomes painful and interferes with your day-to-day activities.

Will white toenails grow out?

White toenails can develop for several reasons. Trauma, such as when an object is dropped on a toenail, often causes bleeding under the nail because of broken blood vessels. This would cause a black toenail. If the trauma does not cause broken blood vessels, a white spot may appear under the nail.

  1. The spot will slowly grow out with the normal growth of the toenail.
  2. Sometimes white lines appear within the toenail.
  3. These may be caused by recurring trauma, such as when a runner wears shoes that are too small and the toe hits the end of the shoe.
  4. White lines may also occur due to a medical illness or trauma that has occurred elsewhere in the body, causing protein to be deposited within the nail bed.

A fungal infection that affects the outermost layer of the toenail may cause a bright white discoloration of the toenail. A white area close to the nail fold (the lunula) varies in size from one person to another. This is a normal aspect of the nail. It is recommended that you see a foot and ankle surgeon for the diagnosis and possible treatment of white toenails.

Why are my toenails white after I remove polish?

Acetone overuse – Acetone is a chemical found in nail polish remover that can dry out your nails and cause them to crack or peel. When your nails are in a fragile state like that, they’re at higher risk of a bacterial or fungal infection. If your colored nail polish was laid on thick, you know it takes some elbow grease and lots of acetone to remove it.

Is white on toenails fungus?

Overview – Nail fungus is a common infection of the nail. It begins as a white or yellow-brown spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the fungal infection goes deeper, the nail may discolor, thicken and crumble at the edge. Nail fungus can affect several nails.

  1. If your condition is mild and not bothering you, you may not need treatment.
  2. If your nail fungus is painful and has caused thickened nails, self-care steps and medications may help.
  3. But even if treatment is successful, nail fungus often comes back.
  4. Nail fungus is also called onychomycosis (on-ih-koh-my-KOH-sis).

When fungus infects the areas between your toes and the skin of your feet, it’s called athlete’s foot (tinea pedis).

What does white toes mean?

Vapospasm. Not a word you hear every day, right? It’s a fancy word for a constriction of the blood vessels. In some people, vapospasms in fingers and toes occur in response to a drop in temperature. They step out into the cold, and the blood vessels to their extremities go into spasm.

Blood vessels that suddenly become narrow do a lousy job of carrying blood, and so fingers or toes turn white from the lack of blood. This condition is called Raynaud’s disease, or Raynaud’s phenomenon, and it hits women more often than men. If you’re thinking that people in Hawaii are less prone to the disease, you’re right – cold climates produce more Raynaud’s victims than tropical ones! Symptoms of Raynaud’s Symptoms include very cold fingers and toes and also changes to the color of your skin.

Very often, skin first becomes bloodless and white and then changes to blue. Once you’re back in a warm environment, vapospasms lessen, blood begins to flow back, and toes turn back to their normal color. The process of warming up can be more painful to your toes than the lack of blood itself.

  • Causes of Raynaud’s Doctors don’t really know why some people are afflicted with vapospasms while others are not.
  • It’s thought that some underlying diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, smoking, carpal tunnel syndrome, and even certain medications may worsen the effects in some people.
  • Risks and complications With most people, Raynaud’s is simply something that they experience and deal with.

There’s nothing to be done except wearing layers of socks and insulated boots, and keeping your feet as warm as possible during the cold weather. But if your symptoms are severe and really interfering with your life and daily activities, consult the podiatrists at Foot & Ankle Associates of Cleveland at our office in the historic district of Solon, just southwest of Cleveland.

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What your toenails say about your health?

Why Are My Toenails White This is the time of year many enjoy the colors of fall as we move into a new season. While we all can appreciate the yellows, reds, and oranges we might not necessarily want to see those same colors in our toenails. Your toenails’ color, texture, and shape might actually provide information about your health that you might not otherwise be aware of.

When you know how to “read” toenail health indicators, you can identify other systemic issues that may need to be addressed with your podiatrist. Like your fingernail, a healthy toenail is a light pink color. Any yellowing or hints of black hue indicate a problem. For instance, you are most likely to have a fungal infection if your toenails start to become yellow.

Yellowing can also be a side effect of diabetes, liver disease, or smoking. White spots on your toenails may indicate a fungal infection, The affected toenail will eventually thicken and turn a hazy yellow-brown color, as well as other nearby nails if the problem spreads. Why Are My Toenails White You should be tested for anemia if your toenails are entirely white. If your nails have white bands or stripes running across them, this can indicate that your diet may be lacking in protein. Blue nails could be a sign that the blood isn’t delivering enough oxygen to the toes.

There are a wide variety of potential causes, some of which are serious. The cold-weather-related condition called “Raynaud’s phenomenon”, or sometimes called, “Raynaud’s disease”causes toes to turn a mottled blue tint when the temperature drops. This is because of the tiny blood arteries in the toes constrict.

Warmth expands the blood vessels, which results in a reddening of the toes and other symptoms including tingling and a “pins and needles” feeling, turning the toes white, blue, then red. Why Are My Toenails White Black or purple toenails most likely mean you have a subungual hematoma, a bruise under the nail. It can be acquired by footwear that compress your feet into the front of the shoe or by stubbing your toe. Black toenails could be a sign of anemia, an infection, or a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Dark streaks under the nail may be an indication of a severe skin cancer called melanoma. Gray nails may be caused by a poor diet, glaucoma, lung issues, or arthritis. Red toenails could be caused by a hematoma under the nail. This is frequently caused by trauma or injury to the toenail. Ingrown toenails can also result in red toenails.

A cardiac problem may also be linked to red toenails.

Does white nails mean lack of calcium?

Are white spots on your fingernails really sign of calcium deficiency? Asked by: Andrew Roberts, Wicklow No. Irregular white spots on nails (called leukonychia) are usually caused by minor impact damage to the nail bed. Nails grow slowly so this can take time to appear and even longer to fade.

White bands on nails can be associated with severe malnutrition in children or in people suffering from low blood protein, but it’s nothing to do with calcium. Read more: Subscribe to for fascinating new Q&As every month and follow on Twitter for your daily dose of fun science facts.

: Are white spots on your fingernails really sign of calcium deficiency?

Does white nails mean low iron?

Pale Nails – 2 /11 White nails, also known as leukonychia, describes fingernails that are partially or completely white in color. The white color could be the result of several things such as trauma, anemia, dietary deficiencies, heart or kidney disease, or even poisoning. Why Are My Toenails White

Does white nails mean low calcium?

Why Are My Toenails White Zinc deficiency is also known as leukonychia. (Photo: Getty Images/Thinkstock) Listen to this article No, those white spots on your nails are not due to a calcium deficiency x Do you have white spots or vertical or horizontal lines on your nails, which are often believed to be a sign of calcium deficiency? Well, turns out that this commonly believed ‘fact’ is actually a myth.

  • That is because those white spots on your nail beds are not due to calcium deficiency but because of a zinc deficiency,
  • Debunking this popular belief, nutritionist Pooja Makhija took to Instagram to share that zinc is a “micro trace mineral” that is required by the body — especially the heart, bones, lungs, and hundreds of other enzymes — but what makes it crucial is the fact that the body cannot save it.

This makes it extremely essential for us to consume a zinc-rich diet. Zinc is the second most abundant trace mineral in our body, after iron, and is integral for various bodily functions like protein production, cell growth and division, DNA synthesis, maintaining immunity, and enzyme reactions.

  • Also known as the ‘miracle mineral’, zinc works magic to transform chronic health problems, literally improving symptoms overnight,” Makhija’s caption read.
  • Further sharing some dietary sources of zinc, she informed that zinc (almost 70 per cent of it) attaches itself to the protein, albumin.
  • But, since “73 per cent of Indians are protein malnourished, making zinc deficiency even more prevalent,” she added.

Signs of zinc deficiency Detecting zinc deficiency is hard as zinc is distributed in trace amount in our cells making it hard to give a reliable blood test result. Makhija, however, lists symptoms that can help identify zinc deficiency: *You don’t sleep long enough *Your immune system is fragile *You have low sex drive or mood *You gain weight easily *Your teeth decay and gums bleed *You have unexplained hand and face wrinkles *You break out easily and often *You have delayed healing *You have accelerated macular degeneration Foods rich in zinc Natural food items that are rich in zinc are: Oyster Crab and lobster Meat and poultry Veggies like mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, garlic, and kale Legumes like chickpeas and beans Nuts and seeds like edamame, pine, chia, and pumpkin Whole grains like brown rice, oats, and quinoa Fortified breakfast cereals like cornflakes, muesli, wheat flakes Dairy foods Dark chocolate Can zinc supplements be consumed? Zinc supplements can be added to one’s diet to overcome its deficiency.

A variety of zinc supplements like zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, zinc citrate, etc are available in the market, and should be taken only after consulting a doctor. However, there are certain things you must in mind. “Zinc supplements are generally well-tolerated, but they’ve been associated with adverse side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain in some people,” Dr Neha Pathania, Chief Dietician, Paras Hospitals, Gurugram, told indianexpress.com,

Tips to keep in mind when taking zinc Supplements High zinc intake can interfere with the absorption of copper and iron and can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain in some people. “Exceeding 40 mg per day of elemental zinc in adults can cause flu-like symptoms like fever, coughing, headache, and fatigue.

Furthermore, zinc supplements have been shown to interfere with the absorption of certain antibiotics, reducing their effectiveness if taken at the same time,” Dr Pathania added. “To reduce your risk of side effects, stick to the recommended dosage and avoid exceeding the tolerable upper limit of 40 mg per day, unless under medical supervision,” she stressed.

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What does the color of your toenails mean?

What Do Your Toenails Tell About Your Health? – The shape, texture, and shade of your toenails can actually tell you things about your health that you may not otherwise be alerted to. Some symptoms of health issues can be seen when changes in your toenails occur.

Heart, liver, lung, and other problems can be revealed when you understand how to ‘read’ toenail health clues. A healthy toenail is a shade of pale pink, much like your fingernail. Any yellowing or tinges of black color means something is not right. For example, if your toenails become yellow, you probably have a fungal infection.

Yellowing can also be the result of smoking or a side effect of diabetes or a liver condition. Scattered white spots on your toenails may indicate the beginning of a fungal infection, Over time, that toenail, and perhaps other adjacent nails if the condition spreads, will thicken and become a cloudy yellow-brown color.

Aside from the white flecks, you may also note some green and black spots. The nail fungus can make your toenail hard to cut due to its thickness. Eventually, your nails will get brittle and crumble, cause you pain, swell up, and make walking more difficult. At the first sign of white speckles on your toenail, it’s a good idea to consult a foot specialist.

A toenail that has a bluish tinge can be a symptom of Raynaud’s disease, When blood isn’t properly circulating to your extremities, oxygen is lowered and your nails turn blue. Your nail may even turn a purple color, meaning you have a circulatory issue.

  • Black toenails indicate an injury beneath your nail, but it can also be a symptom of a bacterial infection, a deficiency of Vitamin B12, or anemia.
  • In extreme instances, black toenails can be a sign of cancer or liver or kidney disease.
  • Dark streaks underneath the nail can signal a hidden melanoma, a dangerous form of skin cancer.
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If your toenails are white, you should be tested for anemia. If there are white stripes or bands going across the nail, you may be lacking enough protein in your diet. Toenails that turn gray may be a symptom of malnutrition, lung disease, or even arthritis,

Does Vaseline help toenails?

The Benefits of Using Vaseline for Nails, From a Manicurist| Well+Good Why Are My Toenails White Why Are My Toenails White With the Well+Good SHOP, our editors put their years of know-how to work in order to pick products (from skin care to self care and beyond) they’re betting you’ll love. While our editors independently select these products, making a purchase through our links may earn Well+Good a commission.

Happy shopping! Looking to give your nails (and hands and feet) a little extra TLC? You don’t need to spend a fortune for an expert-approved treatment. In fact, the solution may already be hanging around in your bathroom. I asked Vivian Nguyen, a manicurist at Nail Lounge of La Jolla in La Jolla, CA, to share her favorite product is—aka what she regularly uses for strong nails, healthy cuticles, and on her hands and feet.

Hint: It’s under four bucks, has been around for a hundred and fifty years, and is almost definitely a part of your usual beauty routine. You guessed it—. “People think they need fancy products or serums or tools for their nails, but most of the time, simple is better, and you don’t need to spend a lot of money to get good results,” says Nguyen.

, manicurist at Nail Lounge of La Jolla

turns out to also be a derm favorite, too—and the American Academy of Dermatology seconds Nguyen’s recommendation for using it on your, “It helps your cuticles, keeps your hands and nails hydrated, and works better than callus removal if you put it on your feet and wear socks overnight,” says Nguyen.

The best part is that it’s affordable and probably already in your medicine cabinet!” she adds. Because of the nature of her work, her hands and nails are exposed to a constant stream of chemicals and products that can be pretty harsh. “Vaseline, or any petroleum jelly really, is what I use to keep my nails and the skin on my hands healthy.

It’s the best.” Related Stories While the Vaseline brand has various products on offer, the classic petroleum jelly is what Nguyen recommends. It’s versatile, works on nails, hands, and feet, and can be used for,, and a whole lot more. At only $4 a pop, it’s a worthy investment, indeed.

  1. Want to keep your toes in tip-top shape, too? Check out the video below to learn about the best at-home pedicure money can buy.
  2. Want even more beauty intel from our editors? Follow our ) for must-know tips and tricks.
  3. Our editors independently select these products.
  4. Making a purchase through our links may earn Well+Good a commission.

: The Benefits of Using Vaseline for Nails, From a Manicurist| Well+Good

Can nail polish cause toenail fungus?

Contaminated nail polish can lead to a fungal infection, yes. Anyone who used it on toes that were already infected would have transferred the nail fungus to the brush and into the solution. Often polish seals the tissue and can encourage fungus-friendly environment as well.

So it isn’t atypical for someone to remove their nail polish and discover an infection has developed. The experts here at Dallas Podiatry Works recommend an antifungal polish that can help slow the growth of these germs in the nail tissue. You should also thoroughly disinfect all of your pedicure tools after every use.

The doctor has great “bedside manners” when talking to patients. Great staff and comfortable atmosphere.

How do you know if toenail fungus is dying?

Toenail Fungus Treatment & How to Tell if Toenail Fungus is Dying – Why Are My Toenails White Unfortunately, there are no home remedies for toenail fungus and fungal infections require either over-the-counter or prescribed medications to clear. Thankfully, your local podiatrist can recommend an antifungal cream from your local drug store or prescribe a medication that will clear the infection quickly.

  • You’ll know that the medication is working and the toenail fungus is dying when your toenail changes back to its natural color, decreases in thickness, shows healthy new growth, and you see a clear delineation between the infected part of the toenail and your new nail growth.
  • If you think you may have a toenail infection, don’t wait to see a local podiatrist for treatment.

Early diagnosis and treatment are the easiest and fastest way to clear up a fungal infection.

Is it normal for my nail to grow back white?

Other conditions – Other subtle changes to your transparent nail color may be due to other health conditions:

Nails that turn whiter in color may be due to liver disease or diabetes,Nails that look half white and half pink may be a sign of kidney disease,Nails that have white lines may have stopped growing temporarily and then resumed growing. This may be caused by stress, illness, or medical treatment like chemotherapy.

You may also notice your transparent nail lifting from the nail bed, The nail may then turn white. This could be from a fungus, an injury, or an autoimmune condition like psoriasis, which affects your skin and nails. Your nails are transparent underneath the nail bed, and they may grow away from the nail bed with a clear color. This isn’t necessarily a concern, but it may also be related to:

environmental factors like chemical exposure, weather, and frequent handwashingmedical conditions

As your nails grow out beyond the nail bed, they usually change to white. This is because the nail is dry. This is nothing to worry about and is a sign of healthy nails. Fingernail treatments will depend on your symptoms. Strong, healthy clear nails require no management. But there are home-based and medical treatments to help your nails if you do notice changes.

Are nails healthier without polish?

Inviting foot problems – The danger with keeping your nail polish on too long is that the pigment in the nail polish can soak into the top few layers of the nail and dry it out, Dr. Rowland says. When that happens, fungus, yeast, bacteria, mold and mildew can develop underneath the nail plate, which can lead to long-term problems,

The nail plate is the hard part of the nail that appears on top of the skin. By removing the polish from your toenails, you expose the surface of your nails to the air. This literally allows them to breathe — and keeps them healthy, In addition to going without polish for a week or so, try to keep your feet dry during the day.

You can do that by wearing cotton socks and sandals or shoes made of natural, breathable fabrics and materials such as leather or cotton. If you remove the polish and your toenails look stained or have a white, chalky appearance, you can take steps to nurse them back to health.

What happens if you leave nail polish on too long?

Nail polish can dry out your nails: TRUE – “Leaving your nail polish on for too long can dry out the nails, leaving them brittle,” says Dr. Curry. “Thin, brittle nails pose a health hazard because the nail is a barrier to keep out bacteria and fungus,”

What is the white chalky stuff under my toenails?

Nail color and structure changes – Keratin is a protein that promotes the development of the skin and nails. Nail psoriasis sometimes causes too much keratin to grow under the nail. This overgrowth is called subungual hyperkeratosis. People with hyperkeratosis may notice a white, chalky substance under the nail.

  • When this occurs in the toenails, the pressure of shoes pushing down on the nails might cause pain.
  • Symptoms of nail psoriasis often appear after an injury in the affected area.
  • It is possible to overlook a small injury, such as a cut or bruised toe because people sometimes cram their feet into tight shoes or expose them to the ground.

Psoriasis symptoms may also flare up after the following:

breaking or damaging a naila painful hangnailslamming a finger in a doorexperiencing an injury from a pedicure or manicure

While an open wound on the hands or feet makes it easier for fungal infections to enter the body, the wound will not directly trigger a fungal infection. Most people with fungal infections do not experience an injury before the infection begins. Fungal infections usually affect the toes, not the fingernails.

Why are my toes white after work?

Why Are My Toenails White If your toes are always cold, one reason could be poor blood flow – a circulatory problem sometimes linked to smoking, high blood pressure, or heart disease, The nerve damage of uncontrolled diabetes can also make your feet feel cold. Other possible causes include hypothyroidism and anemia. A doctor can look for any underlying problems – or let you know that you simply have cold feet. Why Are My Toenails White When feet ache after a long day, you might just curse your shoes. After all, eight out of 10 women say their shoes hurt. But pain that’s not due to sky-high heels may come from a stress fracture, a small crack in a bone. One possible cause: Exercise that was too intense, particularly high-impact sports like basketball and distance running. Why Are My Toenails White Raynaud’s disease can cause toes to turn white, then bluish, and then redden again and return to their natural tone. The cause is a sudden narrowing of the arteries, called vasospasms. Stress or changes in temperature can trigger vasospasms, which usually don’t lead to other health concerns. Raynaud’s may also be related to rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s disease, or thyroid problems. Why Are My Toenails White The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis, inflammation where this long ligament attaches to the heel bone. The pain may be sharpest when you first wake up and put pressure on the foot. Arthritis, excessive exercise, and poorly fitting shoes also can cause heel pain, as can tendonitis. Why Are My Toenails White Sometimes the first sign of a problem is a change in the way you walk – a wider gait or slight foot dragging. The cause may be the slow loss of normal sensation in your feet, brought on by peripheral nerve damage. About 30% of these cases are linked to diabetes. Why Are My Toenails White In clubbing, the shape of the toes (and often the fingers) changes. The nails are more rounded on top and curve downward. Lung disease is the most common underlying cause, but it also can be caused by heart disease, liver and digestive disorders, or certain infections. Sometimes, clubbing runs in families without any underlying disease. Why Are My Toenails White This is usually a temporary nuisance caused by standing too long or a long flight – especially if you are pregnant. In contrast, feet that stay swollen can be a sign of a serious medical condition. The cause may be poor circulation, a problem with the lymphatic system, or a blood clot. Why Are My Toenails White A burning sensation in the feet is common among diabetics with peripheral nerve damage. It can also be caused by a vitamin B deficiency, athlete’s foot, chronic kidney disease, poor circulation in the legs and feet ( peripheral arterial disease ), or hypothyroidism. Why Are My Toenails White Foot sores that will not heal are a major warning sign for diabetes, Diabetes can impair sensation in the feet, circulation, and normal wound healing, so even a blister can become a troublesome wound. Those sores also are prone to infection. Diabetics should wash and dry their feet and check them for any wounds every day. Why Are My Toenails White Gout is a notorious cause of sudden pain in the big toe joint, along with redness and swelling (seen here). Osteoarthritis is another culprit that causes pain and swelling. If the joint is rigid, it may be hallux rigidus, a complication of arthritis where a bone spur develops. Why Are My Toenails White If you feel like you’re walking on a marble, or if pain burns in the ball of your foot and radiates to the toes, you may have Morton’s neuroma, a thickening of tissue around a nerve, usually between the third and fourth toes. It is eight to 10 times more common in women than in men. It is caused by injury or too much pressure on the toes. Why Are My Toenails White Itchy, scaly skin may be athlete’s foot, a common fungal infection. A reaction to chemicals or skin care products – called contact dermatitis – can cause itching, too, along with redness and dry patches. If the skin on itchy feet is thick and pimple-like, it may be psoriasis, an over-reaction of the immune system. Medicated creams can relieve the symptoms. Why Are My Toenails White This foot deformity can be caused by shoes that are tight and pinch your toes or by a disease that damages nerves, such as diabetes, alcoholism, or other neurological disorder. Your toes will be bent upward as they extend from the ball of the foot, then downward from the middle joint, resembling a claw. Why Are My Toenails White A sudden, sharp pain in the foot is the hallmark of a muscle spasm or cramp, which can last many minutes. Overwork and muscle fatigue are common causes. Other causes include poor circulation, dehydration, or imbalances in potassium, magnesium, calcium, or vitamin D levels in the body. Why Are My Toenails White We associate skin cancer with the sun, so we’re not as likely to check our feet for unusual spots. However, a melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, can develop in areas that are not regularly exposed to the sun. Melanoma can even appear beneath the nail, where it might look like a black spot. Why Are My Toenails White Your toenails tell a lot about your overall health. A fungal infection often causes thickened yellow toenails. Thick, yellow nails also can be a sign of an underlying disease, including lymphedema (swelling related to the lymphatic system), lung problems, psoriasis, or rheumatoid arthritis. Why Are My Toenails White Sometimes an injury to the nail or frequent exposure to petroleum-based solvents can create a concave, spoon-like shape. However, iron deficiency also can cause this unusual shape. Injury to the nail or illness anywhere in the body can cause white areas in the nails. If part or all of a nail separates from the nail bed (shown here), it can appear white – and may be due to an injury, nail infection, or psoriasis. If the nail is intact and most of it is white, it can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition including liver disease, congestive heart failure, or kidney disease. Why Are My Toenails White Pitting, or punctured-looking depressions in the surface of the nail, is caused by a disruption in the growth of the nail at the nail plate. It affects as many as half of people with psoriasis,

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What does white toes mean?

Vapospasm. Not a word you hear every day, right? It’s a fancy word for a constriction of the blood vessels. In some people, vapospasms in fingers and toes occur in response to a drop in temperature. They step out into the cold, and the blood vessels to their extremities go into spasm.

Blood vessels that suddenly become narrow do a lousy job of carrying blood, and so fingers or toes turn white from the lack of blood. This condition is called Raynaud’s disease, or Raynaud’s phenomenon, and it hits women more often than men. If you’re thinking that people in Hawaii are less prone to the disease, you’re right – cold climates produce more Raynaud’s victims than tropical ones! Symptoms of Raynaud’s Symptoms include very cold fingers and toes and also changes to the color of your skin.

Very often, skin first becomes bloodless and white and then changes to blue. Once you’re back in a warm environment, vapospasms lessen, blood begins to flow back, and toes turn back to their normal color. The process of warming up can be more painful to your toes than the lack of blood itself.

Causes of Raynaud’s Doctors don’t really know why some people are afflicted with vapospasms while others are not. It’s thought that some underlying diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, smoking, carpal tunnel syndrome, and even certain medications may worsen the effects in some people. Risks and complications With most people, Raynaud’s is simply something that they experience and deal with.

There’s nothing to be done except wearing layers of socks and insulated boots, and keeping your feet as warm as possible during the cold weather. But if your symptoms are severe and really interfering with your life and daily activities, consult the podiatrists at Foot & Ankle Associates of Cleveland at our office in the historic district of Solon, just southwest of Cleveland.

What is the white chalky stuff under my toenails?

Nail color and structure changes – Keratin is a protein that promotes the development of the skin and nails. Nail psoriasis sometimes causes too much keratin to grow under the nail. This overgrowth is called subungual hyperkeratosis. People with hyperkeratosis may notice a white, chalky substance under the nail.

When this occurs in the toenails, the pressure of shoes pushing down on the nails might cause pain. Symptoms of nail psoriasis often appear after an injury in the affected area. It is possible to overlook a small injury, such as a cut or bruised toe because people sometimes cram their feet into tight shoes or expose them to the ground.

Psoriasis symptoms may also flare up after the following:

breaking or damaging a naila painful hangnailslamming a finger in a doorexperiencing an injury from a pedicure or manicure

While an open wound on the hands or feet makes it easier for fungal infections to enter the body, the wound will not directly trigger a fungal infection. Most people with fungal infections do not experience an injury before the infection begins. Fungal infections usually affect the toes, not the fingernails.

Does Toothpaste whiten toenails?

The only time a woman is helpless is when her nail polish is drying and also when her nails are turning yellow. If you’re a nail polish addict, then you obviously know the struggle of covering up yellow nails. Frequent use of polish can turn your white and bright nails yellow and dull, thereby bringing your nail game down drastically. Why Are My Toenails White Step 1: Buff Before starting out with the nail-whitening process directly, it’s best to buff your nails and prep them for the procedure to follow. Why Are My Toenails White Step 2: Apply toothpaste You can use your regular toothpaste for this. Apply a thin layer of the paste to your nails and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Why Are My Toenails White Step 3: Brush Grab a nail brush or a toothbrush and gently scrub your nail beds. Doing so will polish your nails and turn them whiter and brighter. Why Are My Toenails White Step 4: Wash Take a cotton pad soaked in water and clean your nails with it. Repeat this 4-step process the next day and continue until your nail beds are back to their normal colour. Image courtesy: Pinterest