Why Do Cats Pant?

Why Do Cats Pant

What does it mean when cat is panting?

Normal Panting in Cats – In some cases, a kitty’s pants may be normal. What was your cat experiencing or doing immediately before you noticed her panting? Similar to dogs, cats may pant if they are anxious, stressed or overheated. Strenuous exercise may be another cause.

Why is my cat panting with tongue out?

Heat – Heat is the most common cause of panting in cats. However, cats do not pant as easily as dogs on a hot day, so if your cat is panting, you need to help her cool down as soon as possible. A panting cat is likely already very overheated, Move her to a dark, cool room in your home with an air conditioner, a fan, or both.

When should I worry about my cat panting?

Get more information about the possible causes and treatments of feline breathing problems. Download the Full Guide to Cat Asthma Panting isn’t something most pet owners expect to see their cat doing, and can lead to concerns that something is wrong. Though it’s not a common occurrence, cats do sometimes pant depending on the situation.

Most commonly, you may notice your cat or kitten panting if they are in a stressful situation, overheated, or tired from physical activity. In those cases, panting is a normal response and should subside once they have a chance to cool down or rest.1 There are, however, some health concerns that can cause your cat to pant, so it’s important to pay attention to your cat or kitten’s behaviour.

What Does Cat Panting Look And Sound Like? Panting in cats can look similar to how dogs pant, but it’s not nearly as common. Your cat or kitten will have their mouth open, tongue partially out, and be taking small shallow breaths in and out. Your cat is mostly likely to be laying down while doing this, but they might be standing up and alert if they are stressed about the situation around them. What Causes Cats To Pant? 1. Asthma Asthma is chronic inflammation of the lungs and is relatively common in cats. Feline asthma is similar to human asthma and has many of the same triggers, including stress and allergens. These triggers can cause an asthma attack which could manifest as coughing, wheezing, panting, and increased respiratory rate.

Read our resource on  cat asthma  to learn more, including the symptoms, causes, and treatment.2. Heartworm Heartworms are small parasites that can infect the heart and lungs of your cat or kitten. These small creatures can trigger a major illness known as Heartworm Associated Respiratory Disease (HARD) that causes your cat to pant, wheeze, or cough.

Heartworm and HARD can turn serious very quickly so it’s important you watch for additional symptoms accompanying any panting, including lethargy, hiding, lack of appetite, as well as wheezing, coughing, or other signs of respiratory distress.2 3. Congestive Heart Failure Heart problems can, unfortunately, be common in cats and kittens and can easily go unnoticed.

  1. Depending on the specific heart issue, your cat may not show any outward signs until the condition has progressed and becomes an urgent issue.
  2. Heart failure can cause fluid to accumulate around the lungs, reducing lung capacity and restricting oxygen levels.3 Watch for panting, rapid breathing, and blue-tinged or pale gums as these can be signs of congestive heart failure.
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This can quickly become a critical situation and you should contact your veterinarian immediately or seek emergency veterinary care.4. Respiratory Infection Cats and kittens can be particularly prone to upper respiratory infections (also known as  cat flu ).

  • Symptoms look similar to the symptoms of a human cold like coughing, wheezing, sneezing, and panting.
  • If you notice these symptoms, make an appointment with your veterinarian to ensure it’s being treated early before it evolves into something more serious.4 5.
  • Anemia Red blood cells are the vehicles that bring oxygen to the rest of the body.

If your cat is not getting enough oxygen it may manifest as panting, rapid or heavy breathing, as well as tiring very easily.5 6 6. Stress Or Trauma All cats and kittens react differently to stress and emotional trauma. Reactions include hiding, shaking, bathroom accidents, vocalization, and panting.7 Depending on what the trigger of the trauma is, these symptoms will go away once the trigger is removed or you are successful in calming your cat or kitten.

  1. If they came from an abusive situation or experienced neglect, they may need special handling to help them through their traumatic experience.7.
  2. Pain Pain can look like many things in cats and kittens as they are very good at disguising pain as a defense mechanism.
  3. Panting is one sign that your cat may be in pain.

If the panting is accompanied by other symptoms like aggressive behaviour, rapid pulse, excessive vocalization, excessive purring, changes in mobility, or changes in eating behaviours, this can mean your cat is in pain and needs medical attention.8 What To Do If Your Cat Is Panting If your cat has been playing or running around, panting is normal.

  1. Give your cat or kitten a chance to rest and their breathing should return to normal.
  2. If they are overly warm from being outside or in a warm room, take them to a cooler place and give them plenty of water.
  3. Once they are cooled down and relaxed, their panting should stop.
  4. Your cat could also be stressed and fearful due to a trigger related to past trauma.

Be mindful of what that trigger could be and do your best to remove it. Loud noises, dogs or other animals, and people are common triggers. If the panting is accompanied by any of the other symptoms listed above, call your vet immediately. They may schedule an appointment for you or they may instruct you to go to your nearest emergency veterinary clinic depending on the severity of the other symptoms. Contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice any of the following symptoms:  

Your cat or kitten’s breathing becomes shallow The panting becomes loud, raspy, or rapid1 Lethargy and loss of appetite Panting for a period, stopping, then starting again Hiding or aggression8 Pale or blue-tinged gums9 Panting accompanied by wheezing or rapid breathing1

Treatment For A Panting Cat As soon as you notice your cat panting, take note of all the symptoms they’re experiencing and communicate them to your vet so he or she can start diagnosing. Knowing these symptoms can help your vet determine which tests need to be run to uncover the underlying issue. Here are some possible treatments your vet may suggest:

Antibiotics to treat an infection Asthma inhalers Heartworm medication Surgery to treat heart conditions Therapy plan for a traumatized cat

Depending on the cause of the panting, treatments can look very different. It could be as simple as adjusting the care of your cat or kitten to work through their trauma, or as complex and serious as emergency surgery. Always consult with your veterinarian and give them as much information as possible so they can give your cat the best treatment. Treating Cat Asthma & Respiratory Infections Asthma and upper respiratory issues are relatively common in cats and kittens and have many treatment options available, including antibiotic pills or inhalers. Learn more about  cat asthma treatment options, including different medications available, their efficacy, and potential side effects.

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Some infections are more serious than others or the infection may have progressed further requiring a more aggressive treatment. For that reason, catching respiratory infections early is imperative to keep your cat safe and keep the condition from progressing to an urgent matter. Learning how to recognize symptoms of panting and when you should be concerned will help you work with your veterinarian to determine the cause and best treatment for your cat or kitten.

Is Your Cat Having Breathing Difficulties? Take the Feline Asthma Assessment to see if your cat may have asthma. TAKE THE QUIZ 1 ”Cat Panting: Why It Happens and What to Do About It” PetMD. Accessed March 24, 2020 ( https://www.petmd.com/cat/general-health/cat-panting-why-it-happens-and ) 2 ”Heartworm Basics” American Heartworm Society.

Accessed March 24, 2020 ( https://www.heartwormsociety.org/pet-owner-resources/heartworm-basics ) 3 ”Heart Disease In Cats” Cat Health. Accessed March 24, 2020 ( https://www.cathealth.com/cat-health/cardiovascular/1666-heart-disease- ) 4 ”Pneumonia” Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. Accessed March 24, 2020 ( https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/cornell- ) 5 ”Panting in Cats: What Does It Mean? Cat Health.

Accessed March 25, 2020 ( https://www.cathealth.com/cat-health/respiratory/2535-panting-in-cats-w ) 6 ”Anemia in Cats” Malcolm Weir, DVM, MSc, MPH; Ernest Ward, DVM. VCA Hospitals. Accessed March 24, 2020 ( https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/anemia-in-cats ) 7 ”How to Heal an Emotionally Traumatized Pet” PetMD.

Accessed March 24, 2020 ( https://www.petmd.com/dog/behavior/how-heal-emotionally-traumatized-pet ) 8 ”How Can I Tell If My Cat Is In Pain?” Jason Nicholas, BVM. Preventive Vet. Accessed March 24, 2020 ( https://www.preventivevet.com/cats/how-can-i-tell-if-my-cat-is-in-pain ) 9 ”Cyanosis In Cats” Robin Downing, DVM, DAAPM, DACVSMR, CVPP, CRPP.

VCA Hospitals. Accessed March 24, 2020 ( https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/cyanosis-in-cats )

Why is my cat panting with his mouth open?

What does it mean if my cat is panting like a dog? – A cat’s normal breathing rhythm should be smooth and unlaboured. Panting is usually a sign that something isn’t right with your cat. Cats only breathe hard with their mouths open when they are very stressed, extremely hot, or a disease process is occurring.

  • Some degree of ‘normal’ panting can be seen in cats, but context is important if you suddenly notice panting.
  • If for example prior to panting your cat was doing some strenuous exercise, may be overheated or could be anxious, if possible to do so without stressing your cat, check your cat’s gum colour, if it is a normal pink to pale pink colour then you can monitor for a brief period of time.

If related to a stressful episode that has passed or exercise, the panting should settle quickly within 5 – 15 minutes generally. If your cats gum colour seems to be a very pale pink (more than normal), white, grey, blue or purple hued or their breathing itself is very laboured (eg appear to have trouble getting air into their lungs) this is a serious cause for concern and could indicate they are not getting enough oxygen and need to be seen by a vet ASAP. Why Do Cats Pant There are many conditions that could bring on a bout of sudden laborious panting and cats are notorious for hiding illness till they are very unwell, so this behaviour should never be ignored. Older cats are more at risk for medical conditions and less inclined to exercise as kittens so if seen in seniors it should be noted as even more likley to be a concern.

Panting is most definitely NOT confined to just old cats, with younger cats susceptible to medical issues and infectious diseases that can affect breathing also. Some examples of serious medical conditions that can cause respiratory distress and panting in cats include; heart disease, asthma/bronchitis, pneumonia, pleural effusion, cancer, infectious disease, issues with red blood cells including damage and blood loss.

All these conditions are serious, need medical intervention by a veterinarian and can become life threatening in a short space of time. Regardless of the cause, if your cat is panting, it’s important you visit your local Greencross Vets immediately. Please call your local vet when you are on the way, as some cases may need to be diverted to an emergency vet hospital, depending on the severity of the case, to give them the best chance. Why Do Cats Pant Some examples of tests your vet may recommend to identify the cause of your cat’s panting include; blood evaluation to check for organ issues and red blood cell changes, and imaging (x-rays and/or ultrasound) to assess the heart and lungs. Take as much notice of your cat’s symptoms as you can and give all this information to your vet, as it can often help them piece together a better understanding of why your cat may be panting.

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Is a cat panting OK?

What Does It Mean If My Cat Is Panting? – A cat’s panting can have different meanings, depending on the situation. When it comes to cats panting, there is no single explanation for why they do so. Cats generally pant when they are warm or hot and need to cool down.

Should I stop playing with my cat if she’s panting?

Labor and Giving Birth – The process of labor and delivery involves aspects that can cause a cat to pant, for example, anxiety and pain. Once your cat has completed the birthing process, she should begin to relax and stop panting. This video shows what normal panting looks like when a cat is giving birth or shortly afterward.

Do cats pant after Zoomies?

Normal Panting in Cats – On rare occasions, panting can be normal behavior for cats. If your cat is struggling to catch their breath, think about what your cat was doing just before you noticed the heavy breathing. Cats may begin to pant when they are overheated or anxious or if they’ve just done strenuous exercise (like the zoomies!).

Is it normal for cats to pant in heat?

Panting is a perfectly normal response to overheating and should begin to subside as your cat cools down.

Why is my cat panting but won’t drink water?

Are there serious health issues linked to dehydration in cats? – Contact your vet right away if you believe that your cat isn’t drinking enough water. Dehydration can be an indication of a serious underlying condition such as kidney disease, heatstroke, or diabetes.

Is rapid breathing normal in cats?

Should I take my cat to the emergency vet? – Rapid breathing can be a sign of a serious underlying condition. Since proper oxygenation of the blood is essential to your cat’s health, rapid breathing at rest is a symptom that should never be ignored. If your cat’s sides are moving in and out dramatically, or if breathing is accompanied by a whistling sound or gasps contact your vet right away or call your nearest after-hours animal emergency hospital.

Can dehydration cause panting in cats?

Panting – Cats who are panting may be suffering from dehydration. If your cat doesn’t have enough fluids, she may start to pant as her body tries to keep up with its process without having enough water to do so. This sign is generally a more advanced symptom of dehydration in cats.

Do cats pant when happy?

July 13, 2022 If your cat is panting heavily for no reason, you might have to call Alexander Animal Hospital. Panting is normal for animals. They pant when they are thirsty, happy, or in your face when they seek attention! On the other hand, cats are rarely caught with their tongues out.

Is panting normal for cats playing?

Panting, or heavy breathing with the mouth open, in cats can be a normal behavior if it occurs immediately after a big play session or right after kitty zoomies. But when it occurs at random times or even during resting periods, it can be a sign something is wrong.