Why Do My Ribs Hurt When I Cough?

Why Do My Ribs Hurt When I Cough

Should I be concerned if my ribs hurt when I cough?

1. Bruised or fractured rib – Your rib cage provides a crucial function: to protect your heart, lungs and other vital organs. But this may also mean they take the brunt of the damage in the case of trauma, such as a car accident, steep fall, physical assault or even intense coughing.

A means the bone is not actually cracked, but it still may have sustained damage. Symptoms for bruised and broken ribs are much the same: pain, particularly when breathing or coughing. Telltale sign : Injured ribs cause pain when breathing, coughing,, Your doctor may order a chest X-ray to determine if you’ve fractured your rib.

If you have, a CT scan will help determine whether your lungs have been injured. Ribs obviously can’t be put in a cast or immobilized, like other broken bones. Plus, they need to keep moving when you breathe. Even if it hurts, it’s important to breathe deeply, so you can keep your lungs clear.

What does it mean when you cough and it hurts your ribs?

Rib Pain from Coughing – If your ribs hurt when you cough or sneeze, it could be because coughing causes repeated movement of your intercostal muscles, as well as other muscles like the muscles in your abdomen. When you’ve got rib pain from coughing too much, this repeated movement, particularly if it’s frequent and forceful, could result in a pulled muscle causing pain or sore ribs.

A cold can also cause pleuritis, which is inflammation of the lining of your lungs and the inner aspect of your chest wall (called pleura). I hear from many users who complain of cough, but a little less than 1% also experience pain in their ribs with coughing. According to data from over 8,000 health dialogues within the K Health app, women aged 26-55 are 18% more likely to report this type of pain with coughing compared to men of the same age.

So while it’s relatively rare, it is more common among women.

How do you know if rib pain is muscular?

What are the symptoms of Intercostal Muscle Strain? – The symptoms of an intercostal muscle strain are:

Tightness of the muscle: The injured muscle may feel tight whenever you reach, twist, or breathe. Tenderness: The spot of the strain connecting your ribs will feel sore when it is touched. Pain: Pain usually occurs with movement and deep breathing. It gets worse during physical activity and increases in intensity within three to five days after you strain the muscle. Swelling: An inflamed muscle will become swollen and painful. Breathing: A muscle strain can make it difficult to breathe, You may feel short of breath and have difficulty taking a deep breath. You may also feel less air moving in and out of your lungs than usual.

How do I stop my ribs from hurting when I cough?

How Do I Stop My Ribs from Hurting When I Cough? – If your ribs hurt from coughing and you’re in a good deal of pain, there is no need to suffer in silence. Here are some things you can try that might alleviate the pain:

Painkillers : Regular over-the-counter pain medications, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can provide relief from rib pain. Compression : For fast relief from sudden, unpredictable coughing, firmly press a small pillow or cushion against your chest in the area that hurts the most. This relieves pressure on the muscles and can ease the pain. Cough with care : When you feel a coughing fit coming on, sit in a chair and lean forward slightly. Press your arm against your belly and cough sharply a couple of times into a tissue. Relax for a moment and then do it again. If the coughing hurts, press a pillow against your belly while you do it. Heat : Apply a heating pad over the sore area to ease pain and soothe your strained rib muscles. Cold : Applying a cold compress, or even a bag of frozen peas, to the sore area can give a lot of relief. Creams/gels : If your ribs are very sore from repeated coughing, applying a cream or gel formulated to treat muscle pain to your chest might help. You can find several such products at your local pharmacy, including creams that contain arnica—a herbal substance that can be effective at reducing pain. Treat your cough : If your cough is caused by a cold, flu, or upper respiratory infection, try to treat the cough directly by having regular warm drinks, sucking on cough drops, or adding a teaspoon of honey into your tea. Cough medicines, decongestants, and steam-inhalation can also help improve your cough.

(Do your ribs hurt from coughing? Want to talk to a doctor about it? Click here to chat with a clinician in minutes,)

How long do ribs hurt after coughing?

What is Intercostal Muscle Strain? Winter weather can bring on colds and flu, along with their annoying symptoms such as coughing and sneezing. If this weren’t bad enough, the repeated pressure and jarring of your body from coughing and sneezing could lead to pain in the ribs.

  • Especially true among older people, this rib pain can vary from mild to severe and last days or weeks.
  • This article discusses how this pain can come about and what to do about it.
  • The three layers of intercostal muscles attach the ribs to each other and lie between them.
  • Their function is to assist in breathing and stabilize the upper body.
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Like any muscles or tendons in the human body, these can be strained or injured.

Does rib pain mean lung problems?

There are many possible explanations for why your ribs hurt. Injuries, inflammation, infection, cancer, and referred pain from organs such as the heart, lungs, spleen, and liver are all capable of causing pain in the rib cage area. This article will discuss the various causes of rib cage pain, from those that are temporary or merely uncomfortable to those that can be life-threatening.

Is rib pain a symptom of pneumonia?

A sharp pain in the chest or ribs when breathing in may be due to a muscle strain or anxiety. But, it can sometimes indicate an injury, pneumonia, pleurisy, or pericarditis, which may need urgent medical attention. Pain around the chest and ribs will often resolve on its own or with minimal treatment.

  1. However, it can occasionally be an emergency, requiring urgent medical intervention.
  2. In this article, we discuss seven possible causes of sharp pain when breathing in and explain when to seek medical attention.
  3. Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that causes inflammation of the air sacs, which fill up with fluid or pus.

Pneumonia occurs as a result of bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. The severity of the condition depends on a person’s age and overall health. People with pneumonia often experience chest pain when breathing in. The other symptoms, which may range from mild to severe, include:

a cough coughing up sputum, a green or rusty phlegm, from the lungshigh feverchills difficulty breathingfatigue sweatingfast heartbeat

Both the type of pneumonia and the severity of the condition will determine the treatment options.

For bacterial pneumonia, which is the most common form, antibiotics may help treat the symptoms. Antiviral medications, rest, and a high intake of fluids may help treat pneumonia resulting from a virus. Antifungal medications may help treat fungal types of pneumonia.

A doctor may also recommend over-the-counter (OTC) medications to reduce the symptoms of pneumonia. Learn more about pneumonia here. Pneumothorax, also known as a collapsed lung, occurs when air enters the pleural cavity, which is a space between the lungs and chest wall.

  • The air accumulation can increase pressure in the pleural cavity, making part of a lung or even an entire lung collapse.
  • Pneumothorax can occur as a result of a chest injury or an underlying lung disease, such as tuberculosis.
  • People with pneumothorax may experience sharp pain in the chest that worsens during breathing or coughing.

The degree of collapse determines the signs and symptoms of pneumothorax. These may include:

shortness of breathsudden chest paintightness in the chestheart palpitationsfatigue cyanosis, which is where the skin or lips turn slightly blue

Treatment for pneumothorax involves inserting a chest tube or needle to remove excess air from the pleural cavity. For mild cases, the condition may heal without this procedure being necessary. Learn more about pneumothorax here. Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura, a tissue that lines the chest cavity and covers the outside surface of the lungs.

sharp pain in the chest that worsens during breathingpain that radiates to the shoulders and backshortness of breathcoughing

The treatment for pleurisy will depend on the cause of the underlying condition. For instance, if the condition is due to a bacterial infection, a doctor will prescribe antibiotics to manage the symptoms. For the pain and inflammation that pleurisy causes, a doctor will recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen.

  • Learn more about pleurisy here.
  • Costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage, a tissue that connects the breastbone and ribs.
  • The chest pain that costochondritis causes can range from mild to severe.
  • People with costochondritis often experience chest pain, which may radiate to the back.
  • The exact cause of costochondritis is unclear.

However, the condition may result from a chest injury, strenuous exercise, severe coughing, or a joint infection. Costochondritis typically heals on its own. However, a doctor may prescribe NSAIDs to relieve pain. Physical therapy, including stretching exercises and nerve stimulation, may also be helpful, as may heat treatment.

  1. If other measures do not work, a doctor might recommend injecting corticosteroids or numbing medication directly into the affected area.
  2. Learn more about costochondritis here.
  3. A traumatic injury to the chest may result from a sports-related incident, a surgical procedure, or an accident, such as a fall from a height.

Approximately two-thirds of people who experience physical trauma have chest trauma, with the severity ranging from a rib fracture to injury of the heart. Chest trauma can lead to sharp pain when breathing in. Other symptoms of chest trauma may include:

shortness of breathpain that radiates to the neck or backcoughing up bloodbruising of the chest wall

Doctors will determine the best treatment for chest trauma based on the cause and severity. For instance, if a person is gasping for air, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) will likely be the first approach. People with chest trauma should seek immediate medical attention.

Learn more about broken ribs here. Severe stress and anxiety may cause anxiety attacks, a possible symptom of which is sharp pain when breathing in. An anxiety attack can produce a stabbing, needle-like sensation in the middle of the chest. The dread of an upcoming event or a fear that something could happen typically triggers the condition.

People may experience the following symptoms during an anxiety attack:

chest painheart palpitationsdifficulty breathinglightheadednesssweatinga headache

Treatment options for anxiety-related disorders include:

cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) support groups for people with specific conditionsprescription antidepressants or anxiolytics to reduce the symptoms, in some cases

Anyone considering seeking professional help should ensure that they select a well-trained and qualified professional. Learn more about anxiety attacks here. Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium, the sac-like tissue surrounding the heart. The cause of pericarditis remains unclear, but viral infections are a common cause. Other factors may also cause pericarditis, including:

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injury to the heart or surgeryinflammatory disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus other health conditions, including tuberculosis or kidney failure

People with pericarditis experience sharp pain when breathing in or a dull ache that may feel better when sitting upright or leaning forward. The pain may also radiate to the left shoulder and neck. Other symptoms of pericarditis can include:

fever shortness of breathlightheadednessheart palpitationsswelling of the abdomen and legsa cough

The best treatment for pericarditis depends on the cause and severity of the condition. If the condition is mild, it usually gets better on its own. For more severe cases, a doctor may prescribe OTC pain relievers and corticosteroids to reduce inflammation.

difficulty breathingchest tightness or painsevere shortness of breathrapid breathingair hunger, which refers to the inability to breathe in sufficient air sudden dizzinessfever excessive sweating

Experiencing sharp pain when breathing in can be worrying. Although the condition may not be a cause for alarm — at least in most cases — it can sometimes be a sign of a severe illness. The condition may arise due to various causes, including chest trauma and other medical conditions, such as pneumonia.

What is the fastest way to heal rib pain?

Stop, change, or take a break from any activity that causes pain. Put ice or a cold pack on the area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin. After 2 or 3 days, if your swelling is gone, put a heating pad set on low or a warm cloth on your chest.

Should I get rib pain checked?

Why should you see a doctor about a rib fracture? – Any rib injury should be evaluated by a physician. You will want advice for pain management, as well as to be assessed to see if there has been any other damage. Your rib fracture may be complicated by other injuries.

  • Upper rib fractures can cause injuries to the large vessels that bring blood to and from the heart.
  • It’s not uncommon for a fractured rib to cause injury to the lung itself, sometimes leading to a collapsed lung or bleeding into the chest cavity.
  • Lower rib fractures can cause injuries to the liver and spleen.

If you have broken or cracked three or more adjacent ribs in two places, you may experience a condition called “flail chest.” With flail chest, your upper rib cage separates from the rest of the chest wall and can’t hold its shape when you breathe. Flail chest can cause a pulmonary contusion, or bruise on the lung that can lead to serious lung conditions and respiratory failure.

Increasing shortness of breath Trouble breathing deeply or coughing Fever Unusual cough, or a cough that produces mucus or blood Feeling dizzy or weak Abdominal pain

If you have experienced a physical trauma, such as being in a car accident, or you have chest pain (which could be a sign of a heart attack), you should call 9-1-1 immediately.

How long does rib muscle strain take to heal?

Intercostal Muscle Strain (Rib strain) Rapid bending or twisting of your chest wall and ribcage can involve straining your intercostal muscles. This results in sharp, localised pain anywhere in your chest. Because of your chests’ proximity to other vital organs (I’m looking at you heart and lungs!) it can understandably give you a bit of a scare.

So it’s important to see our expert physiotherapists that can accurately diagnose this condition and start a treatment plan immediately. What is an intercostal muscle? Okay time for some anatomy! “Inter” means within and “costal” means ribs, so the intercostal muscles are the muscles that lie in between your 12 ribs and help form the chest wall.

There are three layers within the intercostal muscle: external intercostal; internal intercostal; and the innermost layer is the subcostal muscle. The two main functions of the whole intercostal muscle are:

  1. Helping with breathing. When you take a breath in the external part of the muscle will contract helping to expand your chest cavity to fill your lungs. When you breath out the internal part of the muscle will activate helping to force the air out of your lungs
  2. Stabilising the chest wall. Because these muscles are attached to the rib above and below it helps keep each of the 12 ribs situated in the right place.

What caused me to strain this muscle? Intercostal muscles are usually strained by sudden twisting motions. It can happen immediately, or sometimes repetitive movements can cause the strain over time. The most common movements that we see in the clinic here at Fixio that cause this injury are things such as:

  • Repetitive reaching with your hands e.g. painting a high wall or ceiling
  • Chopping wood
  • Athletes with sports with repetitive throwing or upper body twisting movements e.g. cricket, baseball, rowing.
  • Vigorous coughing or sneezing due to illness or allergies.

If you have had a significant force to the chest, we’d be more likely to suspect a rib fracture (Link). But an external force may also cause intercostal muscle strains, so it’s good to go through the proper treatment and diagnosis journey either way. How does Physiotherapy Help? We’re experts at intercostal strains and general muscle and joint injuries.

During your first session here at Fixio we will take an accurate history and work together with you to find what caused the injury. Because this is an injury to your chest, we’ll do a thorough screening to rule out anything more sinister. Next, we’ll get straight into treatment. Depending on the severity of the strain most cases will take 2-8 weeks to recover with physiotherapy.

Intercostal muscle strains can be notoriously painful because they are moving by contracting every breath you take. Depending on your pain severity we may need to offer pain killers ( in conjunction with your G.P.) to ensure you can sleep and breath properly.

  • To help with the pain may also use Ice therapy, soft tissue massage, and mobilisation of other stiff joints around the intercostal strain.
  • The next part of treatment focuses on restoring full active range of motion of your arms, ribs and middle and lower back movements whilst ensuring you get back to your everyday activities.
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We will also specifically strengthen the intercostal muscles by free weight exercises such as barbell pullovers and dumbbell fly’s. This will have the added bonus of helping strengthen the muscles that improve your breathing ability meaning you will get less shortness of breath during exertion.

Do lungs hurt from coughing?

5. Pleural effusion – Pleural effusion is unusual fluid in the space between your lungs and ribs. Symptoms

Difficulty breathing Chest pain

Treatment: Your doctor will drain the fluid with a needle placed in your chest or with medications to help you urinate out the fluid. In severe cases, there may be a tube placed in your chest to relieve the fluid.

Can coughing too much damage your ribs?

Causes – Common causes of bruised ribs are car accidents, sports injuries, or falls. Severe or prolonged coughing can also cause bruised ribs.

A rib bruise due to a blunt force may cause bleeding and injury to the tissues under the skin. Depending on the force of the blow, you may have other injuries, such as broken ribs or damage to the lungs, liver, spleen or kidney. This is more likely in car accidents or falls from a great height.

Can you cough too hard to break a rib?

You can break a rib from a forceful cough. But it is very rare to do so. Women with chronic cough and people with osteoporosis are the most likely to break a rib from coughing. Treatment for a broken rib is often identical to treatment for a sore or bruised rib.

What happens if you leave a cracked rib untreated?

Rib fractures are commonly caused by trauma to the chest wall. Extremely painful, rib fractures can represent an isolated injury or be part of a larger multi-system injury. A rib may be fractured in one place, two places (flail), or be shattered. Rib fractures are most commonly caused by blunt injuries to the chest caused by a car accident, fall or assault.

Penetrating injuries such as gunshot wounds are a less frequent cause. When severe, rib fractures can lead to flail chest (open chest wound) and cause breathing issues, pulmonary contusion, bleeding and pneumothorax, When untreated, rib fractures will lead to serious short-term consequences such as severe pain when breathing, pneumonia and, rarely, death.

Long-term consequences include chest wall deformity, chronic pain and decreased lung function. The Lung Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital offers proven treatments for patients with fractured ribs. Our board-certified thoracic surgeons use rib plating, a pioneering technique for repairing broken ribs that dramatically reduces pain and recovery time.

When should I be worried about rib pain?

6. Pulmonary embolism – A pulmonary embolism (PE) is when an artery going into the lungs becomes blocked. The blockage is often caused by a blood clot that has traveled up from one of the legs. As well as rib cage pain, PE can cause the following symptoms:

shortness of breathrapid breathingcoughing, including coughing up blood anxiety lightheadednesssweatingirregular heartbeat

PE is a serious condition that can damage the lungs and other organs due to reduced oxygen in the blood. Anyone who experiences the symptoms of PE should see a doctor. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute estimate that 30 percent of people who develop PE will die if they do not receive treatment.

Fortunately, a quick diagnosis and treatment can prevent complications. The rib cage consists of 24 ribs, 12 on either side, and it shields the organs of the chest, including the heart and the lungs, from damage. The ribs are attached to the breastbone, which is the long bone that runs down the center of the chest.

They are attached at the front, by cartilage, which is a firm yet flexible tissue. At the back, they are attached to the spine. The liver is located at the lower end of the rib cage on the right and the spleen is on the left. Both are given some protection by the rib bones.

The gallbladder and kidneys lie just below the rib cage. If any of the components of the rib cage, including the bones or cartilage, or the organs nearby are affected by injury or illness, a person will have pain in or near the rib cage. Rib cage pain may occur in the chest, below the ribs, or above the naval.

As there are several different causes of rib cage pain, the symptoms can vary. As a result, the pain may be:

sharpdullachingsuddenslow to developconstantintermittentworse when breathing in or moving

Other symptoms affecting the rib cage can include:

bruisingtendernessdifficulty breathing

Rib cage pain can be attributed to many underlying injuries or medical conditions. A person should always consult a doctor in any case of unexplained rib cage pain. If the pain or pressure in the chest is severe and breathing becomes difficult, a person should seek emergency medical treatment, as these symptoms could indicate a heart attack,

Does rib pain mean lung problems?

There are many possible explanations for why your ribs hurt. Injuries, inflammation, infection, cancer, and referred pain from organs such as the heart, lungs, spleen, and liver are all capable of causing pain in the rib cage area. This article will discuss the various causes of rib cage pain, from those that are temporary or merely uncomfortable to those that can be life-threatening.

How long does a pulled muscle from coughing take to heal?

Management – Healing depends on the severity of the injury, the time range from a few days to 8 weeks in the majority of cases and in some cases lasts longer other last longer cause upper back pain. The first advice for the patient is resting for a few days and apply ice back in the first two days of pain to eliminate the inflammation.