Why Does My Eye Hurt When I Touch It?

Why Does My Eye Hurt When I Touch It

What does it mean when you press on your eye and it hurts?

Pressure or Pain Behind the Eyes: A Symptom Indicating Several Problems – Many people experience eye pain or pressure at some point because of an infection, headache, allergies, or a similar cause. Often, temporary pain does not mean anything serious.

If you experience frequent or constant pressure or pain behind your eyes, there may be a bigger health issue. Visiting an optometrist or ophthalmologist can help, but you may also need to see a physician or a specialist to determine the underlying cause. Eye strain is a common problem in the modern world.

This is because more workers than ever before use computers and other screens. Chronic and untreated allergies, viruses and bacteria, corneal damage, inflammation of various parts of the eye, and even tumors can be underlying causes of pain or pressure behind the eyes, which need different approaches to treatment. Why Does My Eye Hurt When I Touch It

Why does it hurt when I touch the side of my eye?

Eye pain has a variety of causes, some of which are potentially serious. You can experience eye pain in several different areas of your eye. Sometimes, pain may be felt close to the surface of your eye, causing sharp pain or a burning sensation. Other times, it may be experienced in the deeper parts of your eye and may be felt as an aching or throbbing pain.

It’s also possible that you may feel pain that’s localized to the corner of your eye. What could be causing this type of eye pain? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the possible causes of pain in the corner of your eye, as well as the treatment options, and when you should get medical care.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the potential causes of eye pain that can develop near the corner of your eye. Tears help to both lubricate and protect the surface of your eye. Once they’ve done their job, tears drain away into tiny holes at the inner corner of your eye.

an infectionage-related changes in older adultsinflammation from conditions like conjunctivitis injury to your nosegrowths in your nose, such as nasal polyps or a tumora congenital blockage, meaning a baby is born with a blocked tear duct

Sometimes, germs accumulate around a blocked tear duct. This can lead to an infection called dacryocystitis. Dacryocystitis is often caused by bacteria, typically Staphylococcus (staph) and Streptococcus (strep) species. Some symptoms of dacryocystitis include:

tenderness or pain around the inner corner of your eyeinflammation and redness at the inner corner of your eye excessive tearing pus or mucus drainage from your eye crusting around your eyelids or eyelashes fever

Oral antibiotics can help treat the bacterial infection. You may also be instructed to apply a warm compress or gently massage the affected area. Surgery may be recommended if you have repeated infections. Blepharitis is an inflammation of your eyelids.

eye irritation, which can feel like:

grittiness burningstinging something is in your eye

eye redness eyelid swellingcrusting around your eyelids or eyelasheseyelids that are stuck shut upon waking

Since angular blepharitis is often caused by a bacterial infection, your doctor will prescribe a topical or oral antibiotic to treat it. They may also recommend the following:

applying a warm compress to the affected area several times a daygently massaging your eyelids with a clean finger or washclothusing artificial tearsavoiding eye makeup until your symptoms have eased

Pinguecula and pterygium are two benign (noncancerous) types of growths that occur on your eye’s conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the clear tissue that covers the white part of your eye. It’s believed that these growths are caused by exposure to things like sunlight, wind, and dust or sand.

Pinguecula. A pinguecula is yellowish in color. While often asymptomatic, a pinguecula can sometimes become inflamed and cause symptoms. Pterygium. A pterygium is made up of fleshy tissue and may also contain blood vessels. It often begins as a pinguecula. It can sometimes grow large enough to cover part of your cornea, which can affect your vision.

In addition to the characteristics described above, you may notice the following if you have a pinguecula or pterygium:

discomfort in the affected area of your eye, which can include feelings of:

dryness itching burninggrittinesssomething being stuck in your eye

redness and swelling in the affected area blurry vision

Pinguecula and pterygium often don’t need treatment unless they cause significant discomfort or affect your vision. Some potential treatment options include:

artificial tearssteroid eye drops surgical removal of large pterygiums

A stye is a painful bump that affects your eyelid. It’s caused by a bacterial infection, typically by Staphylococcus (staph) species. Styes can affect any part of your eyelid, including the area close to the corner of your eye. There are two different types of styes:

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External. An external stye happens on the exterior of your upper or lower eyelid. It’s localized at the base of your eyelashes and is often due to an infected hair follicle. It looks like a pimple or pustule. Internal. An internal stye occurs on the inside of your upper or lower eyelid. This type of stye can develop when bacteria infect oil-producing glands in this area.

Symptoms of a stye can include:

a visible, painful red bump along the edge of your eyelid that often has a pus-filled centera feeling of burning or tenderness in the affected areaswelling of the eyelidexcess tearinga gritty sensation or feeling like something is in your eyelight sensitivity

Styes often go away on their own after about a week. Your doctor will recommend that you apply a warm compress to the affected area several times a day to help with recovery. Antibiotics may be prescribed if the infection begins to spread. Styes that are large or don’t go away with medications or home remedies may need to be surgically drained.


Foreign bodies can affect any part of your eye, including around the corner of your eye. If you have a foreign body in your eye, you may experience:

pain or irritation of the affected areafeeling like something is in your eyeeye rednessblurry visionsensitivity to light

You may be able to remove a small foreign body by flushing your eye with warm, clean water. However, foreign bodies that can’t be removed with irrigation, are large, or are embedded in the eye require immediate medical attention. Make an appointment with your eye doctor if you have pain in the corner of your eye that doesn’t go away or gets worse after a few days of at-home care.

is severecomes on after an injury, including after getting a foreign object or a chemical in your eyehappens along with sensitivity to lightoccurs with eye drainage, such as pus or bloodis accompanied by severe swelling in or around your eyehappens with changes in vision, such as blurry vision or vision lossmakes it difficult to open or move your eye

Pain that’s localized to the corner of your eye can have several potential causes. Possible causes can include tear duct infections, blepharitis, and styes. Some of the conditions that affect the corner of your eye may be treated at home using warm compresses, gentle massage, or artificial tears.

Is it normal for your eye to hurt when you rub it?

Allergies – Some people who have allergies experience itchy eyes, causing them to rub their eyes. One study found that rubbing your eyes when exposed to an allergen causes you to feel the need to rub them more. Other symptoms that go along with allergies are sneezing, watery eyes, and a stuffy nose.

Blepharitis is caused when the eyelids are inflamed because oil glands are clogged, Some of the symptoms might include itchy or swollen eyes and crusted eyelashes. Eyestrain is caused when your eyes are tired after looking really hard at something. This can cause burning or itching. Dry eyes are caused when your eyes aren’t producing enough tears. This can cause your eyes to feel itchy.

The common cold and sinusitis can also make your eyes itch, as can wearing contact lenses or having a foreign object in your eye. Rubbing too hard or too frequently might damage the lens of your eye or the cornea. This could result in vision impairment or an infection that needs medical attention. You should call your doctor right away if you experience:

eye painlight sensitivityreduced visionblurry visionredness or inflammationheadachenauseafatigue

These could be symptoms of eye damage and should be evaluated right away. The best way to stop rubbing your eyes is to treat the underlying cause that is making them itch. Treatment can include:

Over-the-counter medication : Saline or eye drops can cleanse your eyes and flush out any dirt that might be causing irritation. Prescription medication : A doctor will have to prescribe medicine to treat conjunctivitis. You might also need medication or shots if you have allergies.

You can also apply a warm compress to your eyes to relieve irritation. Try these tips if you’re rubbing your eyes as a habit, instead of as a reaction to a symptom:

Become aware of what you are doing with your hands. Resist the urge to rub your eyes. Wear gloves or mittens when you are finding it hard to keep your fingers from your face. Having something covering your fingers will make the rubbing difficult. Find something else to do with your hands. You could squeeze a stress ball or rub a smooth rock.

See your doctor if you’ve had prolonged symptoms of dry eyes, including red, irritated, tired, or painful eyes. Your doctor can take steps to determine what’s bothering your eyes or refer you to a specialist. Be sure to keep your hands clean. This will help keep germs from spreading to your face and your eyes.

Why does my eye hurt when I close it or touch it?

Infection: Viruses and bacteria can invade the surface of the eye, especially the conjunctiva, and cause pain, redness, and swelling. Foreign body: Anything from an eyelash to a piece of glass can lead to painful eye injuries. Chemical burn: Common household items like cleaning fluid can be dangerous to the eye.

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Why does it hurt behind my eye when I rub it?

Pain behind the eye can result from eyestrain, migraine, dental problems, glaucoma, giant cell arteritis, and other causes. Treatment will depend on the cause, but applying cool or warm compresses may help. Pain behind the eye is a nonspecific symptom as it can be associated with many different health conditions.

  • Common types of pain behind the eye vary from dull aches to sharp and intense pains.
  • Some people experience a sharp pain behind while others have a deeper pain inside the head,
  • Symptoms can also include tearing, sensitivity to light, redness, vision changes, or pain during eye movement.
  • This article examines the possible causes of pain behind the eye, treatments, alternative therapies, and when to consult a doctor if the pain persists.

Reviewing the possible causes for pain behind the eye may provide people with a better sense of the signs of discomfort and when to seek medical help. There are as many as 300 types of headaches, including those that may cause pain behind the eye. The specific causes are known for only about 10% of headaches.

  • Where a person feels pain does not necessarily correspond to what is causing it.
  • Many different health issues can cause pain behind the eye, including the following: Straining the eyes can leave them feeling dry, tired, and blurry.
  • Research has shown that if a person stares at something for an extended time, they tend to blink less, so eyes become less moist.

People should keep screens at a comfortable distance and take breaks from digital devices to reduce eyestrain. The following may put people at risk of eyestrain:

spending long hours staring at a screen being exposed to glare straining eyes in poor lighting driving long distancesstruggling to get by without glasses or an updated prescription when neededother underlying vision problems

Why do my eyes feel bruised?

3. Corneal Ulcer – A corneal ulcer is an injury to the cornea that results in an open sore. It can develop as a complication of a corneal abrasion. They can also be the result of an infection or inflammation of the eye. Speak to your doctor right away if you suspect you have a corneal ulcer. They may prescribe medicated eye drops to speed healing and prevent infection.

How long does sore eyes last?

Can blue light-blocking glasses prevent eye irritation? – No, blue light-blocking glasses don’t prevent eye irritation or digital eye strain. Digital eye strain isn’t related to blue light. Instead, it usually develops when your eyes focus on a close object for long periods.

  • You also tend to blink less often when staring at a screen, which can lead to dryness and discomfort.
  • Blue light-blocking glasses can prevent blue light from interfering with your body’s production of melatonin, the hormone that helps you sleep.
  • So, you may want blue light-blocking glasses if you have difficulty sleeping.

Setting your devices to night mode and decreasing screen time before bed also can help you sleep better. A note from Cleveland Clinic Eye irritation is the feeling that your eye is bothering you. You’ve probably experienced this sensation at some point — everything from a stray eyelash to cigarette smoke can cause eye irritation.

Is it bad to touch your eye directly?

What Are the Risks of Rubbing Your Eyes? Many of us rub our eyes when we’re tired, but the risks of rubbing your eyes aren’t worth it. Not only can it lead to infection, it can also damage your vision. So why do we do it? Rubbing your eyes can feel good when you are groggy, first wake up in the morning, or are suffering from after reading or staring at a computer for long periods of time.

Rubbing the eye stimulates it in two ways. Lubrication from tears can relieve feelings of dryness, while pressing on the eyeball can stimulate the vagus nerve, which can relieve stress and slow your heart rate. Now we know why it feels good—but what are the risks of rubbing your eyes? Spreading Bacteria One of the biggest risks of rubbing your eyes is spreading bacteria and germs into them.

Your hands carry the most germs of any part of your body, and touching your eyes and face can spread them easily. Your eyelids and lashes protect your eyes from some bacteria, but touching or rubbing them can lead to infections like conjunctivitis (pink eye).

The National Eye Institute recommends you always practice proper eye hygiene by washing your hands before you touch your eyes to insert contact lenses or apply makeup. Scratching Your Corneas Another risk of rubbing your eyes is the danger of damaging your corneas. According to EyeSmart, a fleck of dust or makeup that gets into your eye can easily cause a if you rub it.

This can lead to a scratch or a tear in your cornea, which can permanently damage your vision or lead to a serious infection. Damaging Your Vision If you have an eye condition, such as glaucoma or progressive myopia (caused by lengthened eyeballs), rubbing your eyes can make it worse.

  1. Patients with glaucoma may disrupt the blood flow in their eyes by increasing the pressure on the eyeball, which can lead to nerve damage and permanent vision loss.
  2. Rubbing your eyes can also lead to thinning corneas (keratoconus), which can cause poor vision and an eventual need for a corneal graft.

Bloodshot Eyes Last but not least, rubbing your eyes can break their blood vessels, leaving you with bloodshot eyes and dark undereye circles. No one wants that. The best way to prevent the desire to rub your eyes is to keep them lubricated with artificial tears or,

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Does eye pain go away on its own?

Treatment – The treatment for eye cancer will depend partly on the size and location of the cancer, as well as on the likelihood of saving vision in the eye. Some possible treatment options for eye cancer include:

surgery to remove the tumor or the entire eyelaser therapy chemotherapy radiation therapy

When diagnosing the cause of eye pain, a doctor will likely:

ask about a person’s medical history, including recent eye injuries and infectionsask about a person’s symptomsexamine the eyetake a culture of the eye to check for a bacterial infection

In some cases, a doctor may refer the person for additional tests, such as:

a biopsy to determine whether a growth on the eye is cancerous or benignan eye examination to check for signs of glaucomaan MRI scan of the brain to help diagnose a suspected aneurysm

A person should seek emergency medical treatment if they:

feel a pop behind the eye, followed by an intense headachehave a sudden, unexplained, and very intense headache that causes eye painare suddenly unable to seehave other serious symptoms, such as confusion, slurred speech, or loss of consciousnessexperience a serious eye injury that punctures or severely scratches the eye

A person should contact a doctor if they experience any of the following symptoms:

eye pain that does not improve within a few days of home treatmenteye pain that initially improves with treatment but then comes back or worsenseye pain accompanied by intense headaches or other symptomssymptoms of a serious condition, such as glaucoma or cancereye pain that interferes with daily functioning

The outlook for eye pain depends on the underlying cause:

Infections: With appropriate treatment, most eye infections clear up within a couple of weeks. Some infections do not require any treatment at all. Neurological causes: Treatment for cluster headaches should help reduce the severity and duration of eye pain during headache episodes. Surgical treatment for an aneurysm will prevent the risk of rupture and associated eye pain. Cancer: Survival rates for various types of eye cancer are high, especially if a doctor diagnoses the condition and begins treatment early.

No matter the cause of eye pain, the prognosis is much better with early treatment. It is not always possible to prevent eye pain. However, the following strategies can help reduce the risk of conditions that cause eye pain:

keeping the eye area cleanwashing the hands regularly, especially before touching the faceavoiding picking at the eyes or popping styesmonitoring for signs of sensitivity or allergy when using new skin care products or cosmeticswearing eye protection when working with eye irritants, such as chemicals, aerosols, or materials that produce fine dust

Eye pain may occur for a number of reasons. Some of the less severe causes include dry eye, infections, and allergies. Some of the more serious causes include glaucoma, aneurysms, and cancer. A person should consult a doctor if they experience severe or persistent eye pain, especially if the pain co-occurs with other worrying symptoms.

Why does my eye left hurt?

Eye pain can be caused by dry eye syndrome, conjunctivitis, an infection, and other mild or serious conditions. Headaches, sinus infections, and optic nerve problems can also make your eyes hurt. The kind of pain you’re feeling (burning, sharp, aching, etc.), its location, and any additional symptoms you have (sensitivity to light, headache, etc.) can help your healthcare provider determine the cause.

  1. For example, pain in the corner of your eye can be due to tear duct infections, blepharitis, and styes.
  2. Sharp eye pain can indicate a corneal abrasion, scleritis, or uveitis.
  3. Pressure deep inside the eye may be narrow-angle glaucoma or optic neuritis,
  4. Eye pain that does not resolve with at-home treatment should be evaluated by an eye doctor or other healthcare provider.

If you have vision loss, eye trauma, or pain lasting several hours, seek medical care right away. This article discusses eye pain. It explores the common and uncommon reasons your eyes hurt and how they are diagnosed and treated. Verywell / Alexandra Gordon

Can brain tumors cause eye pain?

Brain Tumors Affecting Vision, Eye Problems Why Does My Eye Hurt When I Touch It Yes, they can. Although eye problems typically stem from conditions unrelated to brain tumors—such as astigmatism, cataracts, detached retina and age-related degeneration—they can sometimes be caused by tumors within the brain. Brain tumors can lead to vision problems such as:

Blurred vision Double vision Abnormal eye movements Sensitivity to light Loss of vision

What happens if you press on your eye?

Why Do We Rub Our Eyes? – We often rub our eyes when they are irritated—either from dryness, fatigue, or from external irritants like dust or allergens. Tired and fatigued eyes often become dry as a result. Gently rubbing your eyes helps trigger the secretion of tears, helping lubricate eyes that are dry or itchy.

When should I worry about eye pressure?

Normal eye pressure is 11 to 21 millimeters of mercury (written as mmHg). This is the same type of measurement used in taking your blood pressure. If your ocular pressure is higher than 21 mmHg in one or both eyes at two or more visits to your eye care specialist, then you may have ocular hypertension.